A Visit from Via Aquarium
July 31 at noon
We’ve been given some maps. If you could use them, please ask at the desk.
We have western Samoa, Nambia, Ethiopia, and Hawaii.
Tuesdays at 1o am
The Great Book Giveaway returns!
June 17th, 10 – gone
We’re giving away brand new kids’ books! Limit three per kid.
Brought to you by the Lisa Libraries
Craft Friday
Glow in the Dark Rock Painting
May 26th @ 3:30
New York State Books for Kids
The library has purchased several kids’ books about New York State and its history!
Book Club for Kids
April 7th at 3:30 PM
St. Patrick’s Day Party for Kids
March 17th at 3:30.
There’ll be pizza and cupcakes. Let us know if your kids plan to attend.
Decorate a Canvas Bag!
March 10th at 3:30 PM. Please, call to register!
Art Show: Robert Rodrigues
The art in this show can be touched!
Coloring contest!
Winner gets $10
The winner will be chosen on Friday, December 23rd.
Stop by the library and pick up a coloring sheet.
Please write your kid’s first name and a phone number on the back of their entry so we can contact you if they win.
Paint a Holiday Magnet
December 9th at 3:30 PM
We have trees, penguins, and Santas.
Free, all ages, please call to sign up.
Book Club for Kids
December 2 at 3 pm
Kids will get a brand-new copy of “Get the Giggles: A First Joke Book” to keep.
Because supplies are limited, registration is required.
Book Club for Kids
Oct. 21 at 3 pm
Kids will get a copy of Pete the Cat Checks Out the Library to keep.
Registration is REQUIRED. Nobody gets a book unless they register, and show up.
Piano Lessons
Are your kids interested in piano lessons?
If so what ages are they, and what times would work?
Let me know by calling (607) 397-7309 or send an email to wo.nassar@4cls.org
Make a Monster
Friday August 26th at 3:30 PM
My Favorite Book
Send your book review to wo.nassar@4cls.org!
National Geographic Documentaries
If you’d like your kids to watch a documentary on the big-screen tv upstairs in the library, let me know at least a day ahead of time.
The room can comfortable seat six.
Book Selection Committee
I could use some help picking out books for kids and teens.
If you are interested, I will give you a copy of the Advance catalog and you can tell me which books look good to you.
Our book buying budget is very small, so there’s no guarantee that the library will purchase your selections. But if a book gets a “vote” it will be considered.
Drawing Class
July 22 at 3:30 PM
Learn to draw very simple cartoon animals.
Ocean Animals Dig
July 15th at 3:30 PM
Each kid will get a cardboard seashell and a digging tool, and they can extract an ocean animal from within the seashell!
Registration is required, because we only have 12 shells.
Ocean Giants: The Fascinating Lives of Whales and Dolphins
July 20th at Noon
This movie will be shown at Wieting Theatre (next door to the library)
Octopus: Making Contact
July 13th at Noon
This movie will be shown at the Wieting Theatre (next door to the library).
Turtle, The Incredible Journey
July 6th at noon
This movie will be shown at the Wieting Theatre (next door to the library)
Worcester Town Pool Information
Summer Reading Program
Kids who read five books will get a card good for an ice cream cone from Stewarts
Kids who read ten books will get a Kawaii Sea Animal Squishie
The kid who reads the most books will get the Squishmallow Hermit Crab
Older kids who read 25 books will get an age- appropriate book of their choice (within reason)
Great Book Giveaway
June 18th 10-2
Limit 3 per child
Summer Reading Program begins June 18th.
When your child reads a book, write down the title and the author.
Logs should have the child’s name and age at the top.
The grand prize will be this cuddly crab, but all participants will receive a prize.
To register, stop by the library or call (607) 397-7309.
Here’s a great opportunity!
Stop by and get a free copy of this beautiful, 234 page book about the U.S. Constitution